Encountering bad vibes

Got caught unawares by somebody's bad vibes, not bad vibes, is more like a direct bite at me. For no reason. These people are like locusts or whatever the vibe is destructive, maybe they had been infected and mutilated before by others. Whatever la.

Anyway then was talking to Ratna with whom I had spoke about setting up a doc to list these responses to shit vibes.

So set it up last night and asked Hyesu to join in as well.

Then hyesu and I talked about starting a good vibe collaboration.

See the good vibe guide to life. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fyftd6vsXT8aE4NZvhhPOPOxh_Wp-DcVxKKV5wSMD6Q/edit?usp=drivesdk
